Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Dr. Daniel Parkinson, a psychiatrist who was raised Mormon and left the church partly due to being gay, and Thomas Montgomery, Mormon father of a gay son and husband to Wendy Montgomery who helped found the…
Several things I want to make known as far as things I will be or have been involved with recently and in the following weeks: Sunstone Phoenix: I will be presenting with my colleague Kristin Marie Bennion at Sunstone Phoenix…
Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Dr. Roni Jo Draper, BYU-Provo professor of teacher education, regarding the multicultural education she offers students preparing to enter classroom settings. Dr. Draper says it well when she states that any one of the topics covered…
Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Lisa Butterworth, founder of Feminist Mormon Housewives, and Mica McGriggs who serves on the FMH Board of Directors. Lisa is currently completing her Masters in Counseling at Idaho State University and Mica is a PhD candidate in…
Mormon Mental Health Podcast has partnered with Mormon Matters for the following production: In this two-part episode, a wonderful panel of mental health professionals who also have certifications in or in the process of becoming sex therapists —Natasha Helfer Parker, Shannon…