From Mormon Stories, this is Part 2 of our review of the recently announced changes to the LDS Church’s General Handbook of Instructions. Major changes include: Major changes to the church’s Disciplinary Council and Exommunication processes. Major changes for LGBTQ…
Tag: lds
191: Jesse Ellis: A Personal Story about Sexual Abuse as a Child and Now Helping Others
189: Jenny Black’s Personal Story with her Faith Experience
186: Special Episode–The Gift of the Mormon Faith Crisis – Masturbation and Pornography
In this episode of The Gift of the Mormon Faith Crisis licensed marriage and sex therapist and active Mormon Natasha Helfer Parker shares with us a more effective approach to masturbation and pornography for both teens and adults. To help keep Mormon Mental Health…
184: Mixed Faith Families
Shandra Petersen Harris joins Natasha on this episode of Mormon Mental Health as they discuss mixed faith families and the impact of President Nelson’s recent general conference address. Shandra Harris and her military family are currently stationed in San Antonio,…