*Please note that this episode contains some technical issues. We thank you for your understanding.* On this episode of Mormon Mental Health Podcast, Jimmy Bridges is joined by Emily Janes, MS, a Marriage and Family therapist about to start her…
Natasha is joined on this episode by Jenny Elledge and Jana Spangler. They talk about aspects or framings of Mormon theology that can be helpful to mental health instead of detrimental. Some of the topics they include are: agency, love…
Several things I want to make known as far as things I will be or have been involved with recently and in the following weeks: Sunstone Phoenix: I will be presenting with my colleague Kristin Marie Bennion at Sunstone Phoenix…
Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Dr. Holly Welker, a writer and critical analyst, and Daniel Lancaster, a clinical social worker, to discuss issues relating to the mental health of LDS missionaries while out in the field – specifically when physical or emotional trauma are involved.…