Natasha Helfer Parker and Tim Birt, both mental health professionals and members of the Mormon Mental Health Association, have a discussion and response in regards to the guidelines that were updated and released yesterday by the Church of Jesus Christ…
Category: Trauma
132: Prior Bishop Speaks to how Church Addresses Sexual Abuse Cases
131: Dealing with Bipolar Disorder and how Mormonism Complicated My Story
129: Sex in the Mormon News Feb 2018
128: Rob Porter, Domestic Violence & Mormonism
123: Sex in the Mormon News #2
115: Living with Bipolar Disorder as a Spouse Part 1
110: Compassion Fatigue, Race and More with Miguel Barker Part 2
Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Miguel Barker-Valdez, one of the founders of Rational Faiths mainly about the concepts of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma. They talk about his experience as a physician assistant in orthopedic surgery, as well as a specific circumstance where…