Several things I want to make known as far as things I will be or have been involved with recently and in the following weeks: Sunstone Phoenix: I will be presenting with my colleague Kristin Marie Bennion at Sunstone Phoenix…
Category: Sexual Education
090: The Truths About Marital Intimacy: A Critique of Wendy Nelson’s Sex Talk: Helfer-Parker and de Azevedo-Hanks Part 2

A candid discussion with sex and marriage therapists Natasha Helfer-Parker and Julie de Azevedo-Hanks about Wendy Watson Nelson’s speech at the January 2017 Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults. Host is Gina Colvin and this is a co-production with A Thoughtful Faith. Nelson’s address garnered some criticism for…
088: Two Mormon Sexual Assault Experiences

Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Colleen Payne Dietz and Alyson Bigelow Horrocks in regards to their experiences with sexual assault during their college years. In this time, when Brigham Young University is undergoing a lot of scrutiny about their policies and procedures when students report cases of sexual assault,…
087: Diversity Training for Church Settings
Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Dr. Roni Jo Draper, BYU-Provo professor of teacher education, regarding the multicultural education she offers students preparing to enter classroom settings. Dr. Draper says it well when she states that any one of the topics covered…
084: Sex Positivity in Mormonism – Part 2
Mormon Mental Health Podcast has partnered with Mormon Matters for the following production: In this two-part episode, a wonderful panel of mental health professionals who also have certifications in or in the process of becoming sex therapists —Natasha Helfer Parker, Shannon Hickman, Kristin Hodson,…
083: Sex Positivity in Mormonism – Part 1
Mormon Mental Health Podcast has partnered with Mormon Matters for the following production: In this two-part episode, a wonderful panel of mental health professionals who also have certifications in or in the process of becoming sex therapists —Natasha Helfer Parker, Shannon…
082: Ending Conversion Therapy
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) recently released a groundbreaking report: Ending Conversion Therapy – Supporting and Affirming LGBTQ Youth. Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Elliot Kennedy of SAMHSA and Dr. Judith Glassgold of the American Psychological Association (APA)…
081: Making Sense of the Research on Homosexuality – Part 4 Social & Psychological Factors
This is a Mormon Matters production – shared here at Mormon Mental Health Podcast with permission. With the renewed conversation in Mormonism about homosexuality initiated by the November 6th policy changes, it has become clear that many Latter-day Saints have never…
071: Mixed-Orientation Marriage – A Wife’s Perspective w/ Carol Lynn Pearson
Natasha Helfer Parker interviews Carol Lynn Pearson regarding the experiences she had being the heterosexual spouse in a mixed-orientation marriage. Carol Lynne provides a frank and vulnerable personal account as to how she and Gerald came to the decision to…
065: Recommendations from two Mormon Sex Therapists
Natasha Helfer Parker, LCMFT and Dr. Jennifer Finlayson-Fife, PhD have a joint discussion where they share their recommendations to bishops, parents and members from the perspective of their clinical experience and training in sex therapy. They start by discussing their…