199: So You’re Thinking of Leaving the Church? Navigating a Faith Transition

Jennifer White hosts this episode of Mormon Mental Health. She is joined by Wendy Christian, a psychoanalyst and licensed clinical social worker in New York City trained in EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy and trauma-focused therapy.

Prior to becoming a mental health professional, Wendy studied American Literature at BYU where she wrote her master’s thesis on women in the Book of Mormon. Subsequently, Wendy obtained a master’s degree in clinical social work at Fordham University and post-graduate training in marriage and family therapy and in psychoanalysis and religion at the Blanton-Peale Institute. Wendy has a private practice in Manhattan and can be contacted through her web site wendychristiantherapy.com.

Jennifer and Wendy discuss how an individual can make a faith transition out of Mormonism. Some of the questions Jennifer and Wendy discuss are:

  • What does it look like if someone is having a faith crisis?
  • What advice would you give to those leaving the church in setting healthy boundaries?
  • What unique challenges do Mormons face when they leave the church?

The following resources are mentioned in the episode:

Podcast: Thoughtful Faith Podcast with Gina Colvin 170 & 171: Enmeshed Family Systems, Differentiation and Faith Crisis: A Discussion with Wendy Christian and Friends


Exponent II organization

@parenting.aftermormonism on Instagram

Thoughtful Transitions Facebook group

Mormon Spectrum in-person meet-ups

Mormon Stories Podcast Community on Facebook

Sunstone magazine, podcasts, annual conference.

To help keep Mormon Mental Health going past 2020, please donate at mormonmentalhealth.org

Jennifer White is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker, and has been employed professionally in the mental health field since 2005. She is proficient in helping adolescents, adults, couples, and families. Jennifer works with clients in a variety of environments. Jennifer received a Bachelor’s Degree in Behavioral Science at Utah Valley University and a Masters Degree in Social Work at Brigham Young University.

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